We Have Lots of Two Bed Apartments in Athens Ohio

The friendships you make while you’re in college can be some of the most enduring friendships of your life. If you’ve found that special friend you’d like to live with, one of our two bedroom apartments in Athens Ohio may be exactly the sort of living arrangement for you. Review our listing to find a place that’s right for both of you. For your convenience, we have our locations plotted on an interactive map so you can determine how close to campus and the uptown area you’ll be. To get started, download and fill out a rental application. A sample of our lease is also available.

Two’s Company with Our Two Bedroom Apartments in Athens Ohio

If living on your own isn’t what you want, but living with a whole bunch of people seems equally unappealing, our two bedroom apartments in Athens Ohio offer you a degree of privacy but they also keep you close to a good friend. And if you have TWO good friends and can’t pick who you would like to live with, you don’t have to with a three bedroom apartment in Athens. Whatever number of bedrooms you’re interested in, we also offer a wide range of amenities in well maintain, affordable properties. Review our listings, and feel free to call, email us, or stop on by for more information to arrange a tour.

Wharton Rentals is committed to making the off-campus living experience a positive one for college students in Athens, Ohio.

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