Over the last several years, many more U.S college students are choosing to live off campus. According to a study done by the New York Times in 2016, “Most students live off-campus—87 percent.” There are many reasons why living off campus is preferable to living in a dorm or other on-campus space. Continue reading to consider some reasons to live off campus.

1. Less Expensive Accommodation

Student life can be expensive, and if you’re on a budget you will likely be able to find the most affordable housing off campus. A 2018 study by Statista confirmed that, “Monthly off-campus rent (566 U.S. dollars) in Norman, Oklahoma was 655 U.S. dollars less than on-campus monthly housing costs (1,221 U.S. dollars).” This idea holds true in many college towns across the United States.

Before you start looking for off-campus accommodation, you should figure out your budget and compare costs for different housing options so that you can get an idea of what is a fair monthly rent.

Remember, once you’ve signed your rental agreement, there’s no going back!  You need to be sure that you’ve chosen the right place. Consider creating a budget so you know how much you need to save, if you need to work, what you can spend on other essentials like groceries, etc.

2. Roommates

When you live in on campus dorms, you might not have the option of choosing who you live with, who you share a bathroom with, or even what dorms you live in. Living off campus gives you more control over these kinds of details, an attractive option for many students.

Some students want to live with their friends, have their own room, have a big kitchen—there are a number of preferences that can’t always be met in on-campus housing. When you choose an off-campus apartment, all of these options are possible. You can decide how many roommates you’d like, and choose the right apartment that fits your unique needs. For example, Wharton’s Ohio University rentals provide a variety of quality apartments for off-campus students.

3. More Independence

Many students prefer to live off campus because it gives them more independence. When you live off campus, there are no curfews, less rules, and more freedom to do what you want. Off-campus students can choose when and what they want to eat, whereas on-campus students have some limits due to the cafeteria options. Interested in getting yourself a pet? On campus dorms don’t usually allow pets, but if you live off-campus you can shop around for a pet-friendly apartment!

With more independence, you will become more self aware, resilient, and responsible.

4. More Privacy

Living off campus gives you more privacy compared to living on campus, one of the most compelling reasons to live off campus. When you live on-campus there’s a certain amount of supervision, as campuses tend to have resident assistants to look after their tenants. Some students feel more secure with a little supervision, whereas others like the idea of being accountable for themselves. It really depends on your personal preferences. Many students find it more relaxing to live in an off-campus apartment; you’re typically surrounded by less people, which may make it easier to study, relax, rest, and focus on school.

5. Rental History

Living off campus provides you with a rental history, something that is helpful after you’ve graduated. When you’re looking for accommodation after college, many times you’ll be required to provide references, a background check, and contact information for your previous landlords. You can use your off-campus rental history to secure professional housing options in the future. If you’ve always lived in a dorm, it’s more difficult to provide the rental history you’ll need.

6. Extra Space

Even the most expensive dorm rooms can be a little cramped! It’s not uncommon that you’ll be sharing a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and common area with a large number of other students. When you live off campus you could end up with a bigger or private room, and only a few roommates to share communal spaces with.

Whether you decide to live on-campus or off-campus, it’s important to decide what’s most important to you and make that a priority. If you’re looking to save money, get extra space, and have more independence, living off campus is the way to go. 

To find affordable, comfortable housing near Ohio University, check out what’s available at Wharton Rentals in Athens, Ohio.

Wharton Rentals is committed to making the off-campus living experience a positive one for college students in Athens, Ohio.

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